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Black Boy Adopts Unacceptable Child, Learns Love Has No Color


Black Boy Adopts Unacceptable Child, Learns Love Has No Color



The 12-year-old adopted boy has finally found his forever home. After her second adoption failed, her best friend’s family decided to adopt her.

In 2018, a Tennessee family opened a home for 12-year-old foster child Andrew, who had been fostering for almost six years.

In an interview today, husband and wife Kevin and Dominique Gill revealed that the boy’s four siblings were still minors when Andrew’s parents’ parental rights were terminated.


After his siblings grew up, Andrew was left alone while waiting for his forever home. After spending several years in foster care, the little boy finally got his chance at happiness when Kevin and Dominique adopted the child.

Although the couple expected Andrew to be very happy, his first week was very different. Dominique explained that the 10-year-old boy was an irrational person and always sat in his room with the door closed. Andrew continued to scream and pushed the couple. But Kevin and Dominique knew what the boy was going through and decided not to abandon him. They gave him all the love and care he needed to live a good life.

In addition to the love and care he received from the couple, Andrew also developed a good relationship with the couple’s son, Joc. The two boys had much in common; They enjoyed playing video games, especially Minecraft.

Andrew and Joc also loved foods like Pop-Tarts. This led to a friendship that would lead to the foster child finding his forever home and new family.

After spending more than a year with the Gills, Andrew leaves, but he and Joc remain friends. Dominique and Kevin had no plans to adopt, so they decided to help Andrew find his new family.


Andrew and Joc talk about being brothers. Photo: youtube.com/WBIR10

However, when things did not go well with their second son, Kevin and Dominique realized that Andrew was theirs. One day Andrew saw his life.

While walking in the park with Youth Village counselor Molly Parker, she turns around and sees familiar faces with posters and balloons in their hands. Then the Gills asked him if he wanted to join the family, and he didn’t hesitate and Andrew said yes.

Kevin and Dominique Gill talk about raising Andrew Photo: youtube.com/WBIR10
Kevin and Dominique Gill talk about raising Andrew Photo: youtube.com/WBIR10

The boy is brought to the Gills’ family, who take him in rather than give him away He continued to thank me. he lifted it up. Dominique told TODAY that people often get scared when they read Andrea’s file, but she knows he’s a good kid who’s been through a lot of trauma. Moreover, the woman said, “Love has no color.” To Dominique, Andrew was their son as much as Joc was their son. He became part of the family


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