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Sit back, this geeky math puzzle will stimulate your brain


Sit back, this geeky math puzzle will stimulate your brain


geeky math puzzle is causing a stir on Twitter right now, leaving many people shaking their heads, including me. We’ve had many brain-themed adventures with women on boats, but this latest one revolves around buying a cow and offering it a unique home. Twitter is abuzz with debate about the definitive answer, but no consensus seems to have been reached.

Click on this viral cow puzzle that will definitely stimulate your brain!
Number of Cattle
Image Credit: @jasminericegirl $1000, how much profit is $200, Bought another cow for $1100. Since you already made a $200 profit on the first trade, your optimal purchase price for the second trade will be $1100 – $200 = $900. He made a profit of €400 (€1300 – €900) by selling a cow for €1300.
Spoiler alert: Stop scrolling now if you don’t want the answer to be shown.
The correct answer is $400. Here’s the breakdown:


Buy a cow for $800.
Net profit: +$200.
Buy the cow again for $1100.
Profit becomes -$900.
Can you solve this nerdy math problem? Here are a few more to try:
Rabbit Puzzle
Credit: Dudolf
Artist Gergerly Dudas is known for creating fun and easy brain puzzles that are cleverly disguised. In one of his interesting drawings, each

How about seeing a little mouse in a mushroom field?
mushroom and mouse puzzle
Image Credit: Dudolf
This mushroom forest by Gergely Dudas hides a little mouse. Look carefully among the mushrooms to see which ones are tough. Are you ready to try?


What about this?
Write the error
Source: PlayBuzz
Break the glass in this mind-blowing puzzle and prove that looks can be deceiving. Are you ready to try? Did you find the answer without looking below?



Source: PlayBuzz
In short, brainstorming provides more than just fun; It offers numerous intellectual benefits. From increasing problem-solving skills and critical thinking to improving memory and cognitive performance, these solutions are a fun way to keep our minds sharp and fast.

In addition, the satisfaction of solving a difficult puzzle not only increases a person’s self-confidence but also creates a sense of achievement. So whether you’re tackling Sudoku, finding a solution, or just exercising your brain, remember that the mental exercise these comics provide is not only fun, but also incredibly beneficial for your overall mental health.


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