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Reasons for storing eggs


Reasons for storing eggs


Do you think you use too many eggs in your home? You’re not alone. Not only are eggs delicious and full of protein, but their shells also offer many different benefits. Before you throw them away, here are seven good reasons to keep these eggs.

1. Natural Pest Control
Are Bugs, Worms and Insects Ruining Your Beautiful Flowers? To be scared! Drop a few eggs around your tree and watch the magic happen. Insects cannot stand the smell of eggs, so they will think twice before investing near your garden.



2. Deer hunting
Living near the forest often comes with the consequences of deer hunting for your plants. But don’t give up! Sprinkle some eggs around your plants to ward off these gentle giants. It turns out that deer despise the smell of egg yolk. Try experimenting and say goodbye to unwanted plants. If you want to learn more about deer repellent plants, click here.

3. Feeding the Birds
Feeding birds in your garden is truly a great happiness. Not only do they scare you with their beautiful songs, they also help repel unwanted insects. What happened? Birds are big fans of eggs! Scatter them around your garden and watch these furry friends fill out their favorites.

4. Improve Your Soil Health
Whole eggs are packed with calcium and nutrients that can do wonders for your soil. Adding crack egg can improve the overall health of your soil and provide your plants with the nutrients they need to grow.

5. Keep your vegetables healthy
Some vegetables, such as tomatoes, Brussels sprouts and peppers, are prone to rotting due to calcium deficiency. Prevent this problem by burying broken eggs underground near your vegetable plants. This way, you can ensure that your meat stays full, energetic and full of flavour.


6. Achieving a Balanced Soil
Is your soil too acidic for some of your favorite plants to thrive? Do not worry; Let eggshells come to your rescue! Burying the eggs in the soil around these plants can help balance pH levels, creating a better environment for them to grow and thrive.

7. Easy composting
Why throw away eggs when you can compost them? Cracked eggs make a great addition to the compost pile or trash can. By composting, you contribute to the overall health of your garden and prevent unnecessary waste.

Next time you open an egg, think twice before dropping the bombs. They can really make a difference in your garden and contribute to a healthy environment.


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