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Oven-baked pork chops


Oven-baked pork chops

Enjoy oven-baked pork chops cooked in a honey and wholegrain mustard glaze with new potatoes for a deliciously easy dinner, just add your favourite veg

Recipe details
Cooking-time Prep:10 mins Cook:45 mins
Serving Serves 4
Difficulty Easy


  1. 1kg new potatoes, halved
  2. 4 tbsp olive oil
  3. 6 garlic cloves, bashed
  4. small handful of thyme
  5. 6 tbsp honey
  6. 6 tbsp wholegrain mustard
  7. 4 thick-cut bone-in pork chops (about 250g each)


Step 1

Heat the oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6. Toss the potatoes, oil, garlic and thyme on a shallow roasting tray and mix will with your hands to coat in the oil. Season well. Roast for 25 mins until the potatoes are just turning tender when pierced with a knife.

Step 2

Whisk the honey and mustard together in a small bowl. Season the pork chops with salt and pepper, then brush with half the marinade. Nestle into the potatoes on the tray, and bake for another 10 mins before turning the chops  and spooning over the remaining glaze. Continue to bake for 10 more mins until cooked through.

Nutrition Facts

kcal : 805
fat : 38g
saturates : 10g
carbs : 67g
sugars : 0g
fibre : 7g
protein : 46g
salt : 1.69g


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