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Oman discovers engagement ring after 13 years in carrot


Oman discovers engagement ring after 13 years in carrot



In a heartwarming story from 2017, Mary Grams from Alberta, Canada was reunited after finding her long-lost engagement ring wrapped in a carrot in her garden. This extraordinary discovery came thirteen years after Mary had given up hope of finding her beloved ring.

Mary lost her engagement ring while weeding on her family’s farm in 2004. She searched tirelessly for days, but she couldn’t find it anywhere. She didn’t know that something special was waiting for her.

A discovery made by Mary’s daughter-in-law, who was picking a strange-looking carrot from the garden. To everyone’s surprise, there was Mary’s engagement ring at the roots of the carrot. It was a moment of pure joy and amazement for Mary and her family. About the day she lost the ring, Mary said: “I went into the garden somewhere and saw this tall grass. For some reason I pulled it off and it must have caught on to something to pull [the ring] out.” She had worn the ring since 1951, a year before she married her husband Norman. Despite their best efforts to find it, they were unable to find the ring and assumed it was lost forever.


Not wanting to upset her husband, Mary decided to hide her loss and bought a similar ring. “I didn’t tell him because I was sure he was going to hit me or something,” she said. It’s a little secret, emotions have been occupying him for more than 13 years.

Although Mary and her family moved to the farm, they continued to maintain the garden that had been a part of their family for over 105 years. When Mary’s daughter-in-law, Colleen Daley, saw the ring, she knew it must have belonged to her grandmother or mother-in-law. After showing it to her husband, he confirmed that it was actually Mary’s engagement ring from long ago.

The way the ring grew around the root was interesting and unusual. Daley called it “handsome” and “a lot of fun.” It was incredible to see and experience the power of nature.

Mary was very happy to have her engagement ring back after all these years. He plans to wear it proudly on his finger as a beautiful memory. Although her husband died five years ago, this surprising discovery brings back the fondest memories of their 60-year marriage. This heartwarming story reminds us that sometimes, against all odds, lost treasures can find their way back to us. Like Mary, we should never lose hope and always believe in the power of love and peace.


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