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Half-Ton Killer’ Mayra Rosales Reveals Why She Falsely Confessed to Murder, Dramatic Weight-Loss


Half-Ton Killer’ Mayra Rosales Reveals Why She Falsely Confessed to Murder, Dramatic Weight-Loss


Mayra Lisbeth Rosales, once known as the world’s heaviest woman, has a remarkable and inspiring story of transformation. Her journey began when a tragic incident involving her sister’s child forced her to step up as the primary caregiver. This moment became her turning point.

Born in 1980, Mayra Rosales lived most of her early life battling with severe obesity, which eventually led her to weigh a staggering 1,036 pounds (470 kg). Her condition rendered her bedridden and reliant on her family for basic needs. Despite her physical limitations, Mayra’s love for her family, especially her sister’s children, remained strong.

The Turning Point

The turning point in Mayra’s life came with an unimaginable tragedy. In March 2008, Mayra’s sister’s son, Eliseo, tragically passed away. The circumstances surrounding his death led to an investigation, and Mayra found herself at the center of a murder charge. Out of a sense of protection and desperation, Mayra falsely confessed to accidentally killing her nephew by rolling over him. Her confession was a bid to protect her sister, who was the actual perpetrator.


However, the truth eventually surfaced during the trial. Medical examinations revealed that Eliseo’s injuries could not have been caused by Mayra, given her immobility. It was revealed that her sister, Jamie Rosales, had struck Eliseo multiple times, leading to his death. Jamie was subsequently convicted, and Mayra was exonerated. This harrowing experience left Mayra determined to turn her life around.

The Weight-Loss Journey

Mayra’s journey towards transformation began with a decision to fight for her life and the well-being of her sister’s children. Realizing that she needed to be healthy to care for them, she embarked on a rigorous weight-loss program under the supervision of medical specialists. Her journey was not just about losing weight but also about reclaiming her life and dignity.

Mayra underwent a series of complex surgeries, beginning with a lymphedema removal surgery to eliminate the excessive build-up of lymphatic fluid in her legs. This surgery marked the start of her incredible transformation. Over the course of four years, she underwent 11 procedures, each addressing the damage caused by her extreme weight. These surgeries included skin removal, muscle repair, and gastric bypass surgery.

A New Life


Transporting Mayra to the hospital for these procedures required special equipment and meticulous planning due to her size. The surgeries themselves were high-risk, but Mayra’s unwavering determination and the support of her medical team saw her through each one successfully. She diligently followed the exercise regimens prescribed by her doctors, gradually building her strength and mobility.

Mayra’s dedication to her new lifestyle bore fruit as she lost over 400 kilograms (880 pounds), an astonishing 80% reduction in her body weight. Her transformation was not just physical but also emotional and psychological. She emerged as a new person, filled with hope and a renewed sense of purpose.

Inspiring Others

Mayra Rosales’ story has become an inspiration to many who struggle with obesity and other life challenges. Her journey highlights the importance of perseverance, support, and the will to change. She has become a vocal advocate for healthy living and often shares her story to motivate others.


In various interviews, Mayra has emphasized the significance of mental health in her transformation. She has spoken candidly about the depression and hopelessness she felt during her years of immobility and how seeking psychological help was crucial in her journey. Her story underscores the importance of addressing both physical and mental health to achieve holistic well-being.

Life Today

Today, Mayra Rosales leads a significantly healthier and more active life. She continues to inspire others through her public speaking engagements and social media presence. Her relationship with her sister’s children remains strong, and she cherishes the role of being their caregiver.

Mayra’s journey from being dubbed the ‘Half-Ton Killer’ to becoming a symbol of resilience and transformation is a testament to the human spirit’s capacity for change. Her story serves as a reminder that, regardless of the obstacles, it is never too late to take control of one’s life and strive for a better future.

In conclusion, Mayra Rosales’ dramatic weight loss and the reasons behind her false confession to murder reveal a story of profound transformation. Her journey from despair to hope, from immobility to activity, is an inspiring tale of courage, determination, and the enduring power of love for family.


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