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A 9-year-old boy has been living alone in their home for 2 years


A 9-year-old boy has been living alone in their home for 2 years



. Despite the challenges he faced, this resilient child showed incredible strength and determination.

He managed to survive against all odds, living without basic electricity and heating needs. He attended school unseen by his teachers and classmates, who saw him as a good student. During this time, his kind-hearted neighbors would sometimes bring him food, unaware of the difficult times he faced. He survived on canned food, pastries and tomatoes from his neighbor’s kitchen. It was a very difficult night as he relied on several
comfort units to stay warm without proper heat. Cold water became a regular part of his daily routine. Ironically, his mother lived nearby, only 3 miles from her son. However, he rarely visited or cared for her. Since the child’s father is nowhere to be seen, it is unclear what role he played in his life. A month passed before neighbors realized the boy was alone and contacted authorities. Even the leader of the
clan admitted that it would be difficult for anyone to know about this matter. The child’s appearance and academic achievements created a protective shield, giving the impression that everything was normal. A neighbor reported that this mother constantly scolded and insulted her son. The truth was revealed at the court hearing. Phone records were seized showing that the father did not live with his son and that he ran the
school himself. Although he denied it, neighbors confirmed that the boy was indeed living alone. The court filed a lawsuit against the mother who abandoned her child and neglected her son’s safety. She was sentenced to 18 months in prison, plus an additional 6 months for wearing an electronic bracelet. However, the boy, who was approaching adolescence, stated that he no longer wanted to communicate with his mother, who had only visited him once since the day he was placed in foster care. This heartbreaking story of
highlights the incredible resilience and strength shown by this little boy. Her determination to survive and continue her education despite the difficulties is truly overwhelming. We hope he gets the love and support he deserves in his new life.


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