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Why hasn’t Elizabeth Montgomery worn panties lately


Why hasn’t Elizabeth Montgomery worn panties lately


In later seasons of the popular television series “Beguiled,” viewers may have noticed a drastic change in the fashion choices of the show’s leading lady, Elizabeth Montgomery. Montgomery’s character, Samantha Stephens, strictly avoided wearing a scarf in most scenes, contrary to fashion trends of the time. Although this departure from tradition caused some confusion among the public, there were practical and artistic reasons behind Montgomery’s decision.

For Montgomery, the decision to raise the curtain was not a personal matter but a conscious, creative choice made in collaboration with the show’s producers and costume designers. As “Bewitched” evolved and entered its final season, Samantha’s character became more connected to themes of liberation and empowerment, reflecting the changing social consciousness of the time. By choosing bold, Montgomery sought to portray Samantha’s confident and free-spirited
; she challenges traditional notions of femininity and embraces a natural and free-spirited beauty.

There were also practical considerations in the decision to forego costume, as restrictive underwear at the time could be uncomfortable for players during long hours of play. The show’s producers want to prioritize Montgomery’s comfort as she leaves the bar and ensure that Samantha can accurately portray her character without unnecessary restrictions. Although Montgomery’s choice of clothing was unconventional at the time, it ultimately served to reinforce the character of the
and resonate with the public in a way that reflected the spirit of the times.


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