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They are known only to the baby boom generation. Do you know?


They are known only to the baby boom generation. Do you know?


The technology we use today is amazing. We have the latest smartphones, cell phones, AirPods, speakers, gaming systems, and everything else under the sun. But not so long ago, technology looked different. If you’re a baby boomer, you probably recognize some of the images below.

Although movie theaters still exist, they are not as common as they were in the 1940s and 1950s. Throughout these two decades, couples, families and singles have piled into the car for a night at the big screen.

If you go for a ride today, you’ll still get that wave of nostalgia. Most of the drivers are still in the same location, including the old displays and retro-style discounts. Nowadays, you listen to movies by tuning to a specific station on your car radio. But in the past, sound systems were very different.

The film crew stopped at the ground next to the metal factory. At the top of this post are the speakers connected to the cable. To listen to the movie, you grab the speaker closest to your car window and pull it into your car (or as close to it as possible).


Laugh all you want, but this was the most advanced technology of its time! I still love riding in the car and seeing photos like these takes me back to the good old days.

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