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The Secret of Old Open-Mouth Oil Cans


The Secret of Old Open-Mouth Oil Cans



Remember the days when VHS tapes, landline phones, and Walkmans were considered cutting-edge technology? It’s surprising how quickly these common household items become outdated. As someone who grew up in an age of technological advancement, I find it interesting to think about things that used to be a part of our daily lives but are no longer known to young people.

The oil can opens its mouth
I recently came across a photo of something that really surprised me. At first glance it looked like a metal tool, but I didn’t know what it was. Can you guess what this is?

Surprisingly, this seemingly old tool is actually an old oil can opener! It may seem like something from another era, but it only started in the 1980s. People used this tool to drill a hole in the top of the oil pan with a nozzle to drain the oil. Although its design was simple, it was incredibly clever.


When I think about 80 it seems like yesterday. It’s hard to believe that more than 40 years have passed since then. Although these openers are not used much anymore, it wouldn’t surprise me if many people still have one installed in their garage and other equipment. Collectors, especially mechanics, love these tools. So if you come across an item for sale on a website or antique store, it may be worth purchasing as a unique piece of history.

Next time you encounter something unusual, take a moment to appreciate how far we have come in technology and innovation. It reminds us of how quickly things can and do change. Technology has improved our lives in countless ways, making tasks easier and more efficient. But it is also important to remember the things and tools that were once considered important in our daily lives. They shape our history and are a testament to human creativity.

Next time you see an old relic like oil that can turn a faucet on, take a moment to appreciate its usefulness. This is not just a forgotten device, but a reminder of the progress we have made and the memory it holds.


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