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Italian Drunken Sauce


Italian Drunken Sauce



Olive oil • 4 pieces good Italian sausage, casings removed • large onion, whole and chopped • 1 ½ teaspoons salt • 1 tbsp. a glass of white wine (I used Chardonnay) • 1 glass of diced tomatoes with juice
• 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley • ¼ cup fresh basil leaves, julienned and chopped
240 ml uncooked pappardelle
Getting Started , heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a large skillet or heavy skillet over medium heat.

In a pan over medium heat, cut the best Italian dressing into small pieces and cook for a few minutes on one side (if you want the end to stay fresh);

When the sauce thickens, transfer it to a small bowl and set aside to cool slightly.


-Then add the onion and sausage fat. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the onions caramelize and begin to brown, about 5 minutes. Add more olive oil if necessary to prevent burning.

-When the onions start to turn golden, add salt, Italian seasoning and ground black pepper; Mix well. Then add the chopped onion and cook with the onion until soft and golden brown, about 2 minutes;

When the garlic begins to release its perfume, add the white wine and let it sit for a few minutes until the smell disappears completely;

-Then put the nice Italian sauce back into the pan and mix the tomatoes with their juices. Gently stir in spices to add. After boiling for 3-4 minutes, turn off the heat so that the flavors mix together.

-Add chopped oil and half the julienned basil to the sauce, add 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil for a velvety, rich flavor, and keep warm while you prepare the noodles.


-Follow package instructions to prepare pappardelle. After it dries, add the sauce. Use tongs to gently mix the sauce with the sauce to be combined. Taste the sauce to see if it needs salt or pepper.

– An equal amount of “Drunk” should be added to each meal before serving. Sprinkle with some remaining julienned basil and, if desired, grated Parmesan cheese and extra olive oil.

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