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A man, after doing a good deed, is rejected by a beggar who makes a good sign himself


A man, after doing a good deed, is rejected by a beggar who makes a good sign himself


“You cannot help a man if he does not help himself.” It’s an old saying, but you’ve probably heard it before. Unfortunately, this is often true: No matter how hard you try, it is very difficult to help them or make a difference in their lives unless they are truly committed to providing themselves with the best opportunities possible. Florida’s Ryan Bray knows a thing or two about this. Allegedly, he often encounters beggars on the street while returning home from work. One Sunday he came across a man with a sad story, and Ryan decided to help in any way he could. Instead of just giving the guy some change—which wouldn’t have helped him in any case—Ryan tried to think bigger and bigger. He offered a homeless man $15 an hour to work for the family business, giving the panhandler a chance to get off the streets altogether.

However, to his surprise, the beggar in question had no intention of finding a real job. He told Ryan he was content to sit on the street, where he could beg for more than Ryan gave him in an hour.


Of course Ryan was great at that stage. After giving the man a chance to change his life, he decided to take action when the symptoms appeared on his face again.

Ryan returned home and was impressed, then returned to the same corner. When he got there, he stood up with the sign in his hand and openly insulted the beggar who was suffering from being thrown out onto the street. Ryan’s sign warned other residents not to give money to beggars and described him doing his best to help a homeless man but his compassion being mistreated.

“He says I paid him $15.00 per hour to do the site for me”. “If we, as a society, stop paying, they will leave our neighborhood!”

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FOX 13 Tampa Bay

According to reports, the homeless man called Ryan a liar and said he could never find a job.



Of his encounter with the homeless man in this story, Ryan said:

“He reached into my car, relaxed, and asked, ‘Do you have any money?’ “I said, ‘No, I’ve got something good for you.'”

Watch the video below to learn more about Ryan’s story:


What do you think of the way Ryan Bray handled the situation? Let us know your thoughts If you found this story interesting, check out below for more:

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